
My Heart is Dead

My heart is dead: tears no longer flow freely, a smile
Hides all the aches and pains, the worry and anxiety!
My heart is dead from too much stabbing by Fate’s
Rough blows, from the sad prospects of an elusive Future!
My heart is dead: burdened by the stress of the Present,
The sadness of the Past, and the uncertainty of the Future!
My heart is dead: having to hide its joys, to overcome
Its sorrow while hoping for better days to come!
My heart is dead: will it ever revive again?
Will dewdrops wash away the bitterness of tears?
Will the lovely scent of flowers sweeten my grief,
Tainted by the agony of oppressive souvenirs?
Will a soft breeze chase away dark thoughts?
My heart is dead: nothing will revive it but
My daughter’s kind eyes and sweet smile!
My heart is dead: I’d like to know who killed it!

© Djehane Hassouna, 2007

Rainbow of Emotions, page 100

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